
QbTest Telehealth

Comprehensive Neuropsychiatric Evaluation for ADHD

QbTest Telehealth, powered by QbCheck, allows healthcare providers in the United States to provide quality ADHD care to their patients in clinics and virtually. It combines the FDA cleared and CE marked QbTest with the online QbCheck platform to put you back in control with the flexibility of testing in-clinic and remotely.

Now more than ever, clinicians are seeing patients remotely. Don’t fall behind – discover how we can help you provide quality care to your patients from a distance.

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How does QbTest Telehealth work?

You can collect objective data on patients’ attention, activity, and impulsivity to improve your clinical decision-making in assessments and treatment plans, streamline your ADHD care pathway, and improve conversation with patients and their families. These assessments can be used during the process of establishing an initial diagnosis and when monitoring treatment efficacy.

Clinicians utilizing our telehealth functionality can issue online voucher codes to patients to perform a 15–20-minute task on their own compatible device. This task collects quantitative data on their attention and impulsivity while tracking their physical activity using facial recognition technology. The results of the test are then compared to an age and sex matched norm group. Each test generates a report made available securely in the clinician’s online account. Telehealth reports also include an online rating scale for additional value.

What are the benefits of objective ADHD testing via telehealth?

  • Saving time and administrative burden that is caused by late or missed appointments
  • Improving decision-making capabilities

  • Clinicians can assess more patients per day

  • Objective treatment monitoring throughout the treatment process

  • Enhanced psychoeducation between patients and clinicians

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“QbTest Telehealth adds valuable objective data on core ADHD symptoms – inattention, activity, and impulsivity I can’t get from any other tool or system. It has improved the accuracy of my ADHD evaluations, communication with my patients and relationships with referral partners.”
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